Support PSG in its 36th Season!
Mission and Programs
Since its founding in 1989, thousands of girls and young women have experienced Girlchoir’s unique choral community. In order to continue providing its vital programs, PSG needs your help!
​General Operating Fund
The General Operating Fund supports all of PSG's programs and activities and creates a stable financial base from which the organization can thrive and continue to grow. Please help PSG continue to change girls and young women’s lives through music.
PSG is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3). We are deeply grateful to our funders, who make PSG’s outstanding programs possible. Only 50% of PSG's annual budget is met through tuition. PSG depends upon the generous support of people who share our vision. Please send your contribution today! Your tax-deductible gift helps to develop our city's girls and young women and support a unique, collaborative community.
Make a one time donation or better yet become a Shining Star with an ongoing monthly donation that fits your budget.

​​Tuition Assistance Fund
To fulfill its mission to provide an unparalleled performance experience and vibrant choral music education in a unique, caring and inclusive community of girls and young women with a distinct voice today and for the future, PSG provides tuition assistance support to singers needing financial assistance.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Girlchoir has two major fundraisers a year. Click on the graphic to investigate the unique sponsorship Opportunities.
Additional Programs
Music In the Making
Workshop/Concert Artist-in-Residency
Each spring, PSG brings a renowned composer/conductor to present a workshop and concert with area schools, community choirs, and PSG’s Intermezzo and Premier Choirs. During the workshop, singers rehearse the composer’s compositions then perform them under their direction at the MIM Concert, Your contributions offset participation fees, concert production, and artist-in-residence expenses.
Commissioning New Music Fund
PSG's commissioning program has significantly expanded the treble repertoire by inspiring today's top composers to write for children's chorus. Girlchoir annually commissions two original compositions, as well as participating in the Chorus America Commissioning Consortium.
For more information about contributing to these programs please contact admin [at]
Please help us continue the PSG dream by making a donation.
By mail: Portland Symphonic Girlchoir
P.O. Box 28323, Portland , OR 97228
By phone: 503.226.6162
PSG Message Center
PSG bylaws, tax, and financial documents available upon request.